Welcome to Inspired Learning

Inspired Learning was founded by Marie Wren with the aim of providing a much-needed link between schools and colleges with parents and learners.

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Ten percent of the population is believed to be dyslexic.

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Inspired Learning was founded by Marie Wren with the aim of…

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Find out more about what we do for schools, parents and learners

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Realise your Potential

Understand your Difficulties

Celebrate your Strengths

We understand how frustrating and upsetting it can be to feel like you’re being held back. Specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia can make you feel like there is something stopping you from accessing learning in the way everyone else seems to be able to.

Sometimes, you need a lot more time than others to process what you’ve heard and what you’ve read, and even then, you still struggle to understand. You forget something as soon as you’ve been told it. You stumble with your words and find it hard to think of the right words to say.

Your reading might be slow and just not ‘flow’ the way it should. Words that seem simple to others just don’t make sense to you. You might have to read things over and over to try and understand them.

Your writing might not reflect your knowledge and ability and you could struggle to get your ideas down, to think of the right words and then to write them. It might take you a long time to write just a few words while everyone else seems to be racing ahead.

Your spelling might change from one attempt to the next, and spelling rules and patterns just don’t stick.

A diagnostic dyslexia assessment by Inspired Learning can help you realise your potential, understand your difficulties and celebrate your strengths.

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Marie has been wonderful from start to finish. From the first point of contact, she was more than willing to assist in anything that I needed help with. She did extra research for me which she didn’t need to do.

She contacted my son’s SENCO at his new secondary school and provided them with her findings from the assessment, which led to the school putting all the necessary requirements in place for him. My son said she was very kind to him and gave him clear instructions throughout the assessment so he knew exactly what she needed him to do.

This put his mind at ease and helped him relax. Thank you once again, I can’t thank you enough.


Marie has provided a range of services including delivering Access Arrangement Assessments, completing Form 8s and completing Dyslexia assessments. Her reports are always extremely thorough and extremely insightful. Marie is always on hand and happy to assist our students in whatever way that she can.

Her help has been invaluable to us. Her work has had a great impact on our students and she has assisted the SEN department and other teaching staff to help our students progress and thrive.

Sefton SENDCo

Three words come to mind when I think of my daughter’s Dyslexia assessment from Marie Wren: supportive, knowledgeable and professional. After an introductory call and email for a preliminary assessment, Marie came to the house at an arranged time to do the assessment.

She quickly put my daughter at ease with her friendly and helpful manner. On completion, we received the full detailed report a few days afterwards. Furthermore, Marie was able to liaise with my daughter’s school to inform them of the results and give her professional recommendations.

The whole service was efficient, thorough and extremely helpful. Thanks so much Marie!


The detail in my daughter’s report is incredible. It was nice to see how personal the report is and how Marie has been accurate in descriptions of her personality in only a few hours of being with her.

My daughter was introduced to Marie through the school SENDCo, she’d suffered with school related anxiety for years and this was causing issues with learning at A level. Meeting Marie was the best thing that has happened for her. She left the test full of confidence due to Marie’s manner, counselling, and explanations during the process.

At 18 she now has a confirmed diagnosis of dyslexia, and the only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner as the report will support her through the remainder of her academic years. Her learning difficulties now make sense to her.

Parent, DSA application

We have been working with Marie at Inspired Learning for 3 academic years now and she is great. Always happy to provide support even at late notice. The Dyslexia reports provided are thorough and conclusive, with helpful strategies included that we can share with parents and staff.

We also work with Marie in assessing students for Access Arrangements – mainly for extra time in GCSE exams. She works quickly and is able to assess a large number of students in one day. Always friendly, helpful and accommodating.

It has been a pleasure working with Marie and we can’t recommend her enough!

Liverpool SENCo

Marie attends our secondary school whenever we need EAA assessments completing. She is always extremely efficient and very professional. Marie is brilliant with the students and completes as many assessments as she can in the timeframe that is given.

She’s brilliant at what she does and I could not recommend her enough!

Liverpool SENCo

Marie has been a great asset to our department and myself as SENDCo.

The work she does has been most valuable and has included the assessing of our students to better understand and support their needs, completing intervention in literacy to help our students make sufficient progress, and also providing vital assistance in completing the Access Arrangements process to ensure that students receive the correct provision for their exams.

I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with her.

Sefton SENCo

Inspired Learning provides a professional, well organised and efficient service. Fantastic knowledge and concise and informative reports. Marie engages well with pupils and makes them feel at ease with her friendly and approachable manner.

We highly recommend Inspired Learning and will certainly use their service again in the future.

Liverpool SENCo

Get in Touch

We are happy to offer a free initial telephone or email consultation to discuss your needs.

Please contact us via the contact box and leave a brief message, or give us a call.

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